This page still looks like garbage in IE. But at least it does stuff. Here's a fix.
Here's why this looks like crap, and gripe #4 has my thoughts on the matter.

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Welcome to d20 Tools!

To get started, just click the desired function above. At the moment, all that exists is an experience point calculator, but more tools are coming.

Experience Point Calculator

This calculator automates the process of determining experience using the most popular method in d20, where each PC's award is based on two things: the difficulty of each challenge relative to their level, and the number of PCs in the party.

Enter the levels of ALL your PCs here. The first column is your PC level, second column is number of PCs at that level.

Enter the CRs of all the creatures/traps/etc here, in the same manner as with the PCs.

PC Level x
PC Level x
PC Level x
PC Level x
CR x
CR x
CR x
CR x

System notes

The calculator accurately handles the following conditions:

  • Character levels up to 20, as per the DMG
  • Challenge ratings up to 20, as per the DMG
  • Challenge ratings above 20, as per the DMG (doubling the reward for a CR two levels lower, recursively)

Open issues

  • Epic levels
    Is there an official (or even "established") way to award experience for character level > 20 in 3.5? I'm not finding it.